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Michelin Ballymena achieves three million LTA hours

Michelin Ballymena achieves three million LTA hours
In May, the Michelin Ballymena site passed 3,000,000 working hours without a Lost Time Accident – a tremendous achievement for an industrial site.  

The Ballymena site has now been awarded a Michelin Group Safety Award, which was presented by Pawel Drzewiecki from Group Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand, and received by John Milsted, Plant Manager and Matt Allman, Maintenance Engineer, on behalf of the Ballymena team.

The award recognises the importance that is placed on safety at the Raceview Road facility. In particular, it recognises the high levels of employee engagement in safety, the comprehensive safety training system and the modifications made to production and other processes. It also highlights the effective safety induction programme for contractors working on the site.

John Milsted, Plant Manager, said: “Every employee should feel very proud as they have all been instrumental in this achievement.  I am very proud of the safety record at Ballymena and it demonstrates the commitment and desire of our employees to work in a safe environment.

“However, we should not become complacent, and we will continue to focus on our own safety and the safety of others.”

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